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Sarita Walsh leaves a review for Simplified Retail Model Elite Masterclass

If you wish to live a slow, mindful and sustainable life—one that is simple, purpose-driven and creates a positive impact—The Simplified Model will help you consciously create a lifestyle/work that aligns with your authentic self.

Sarita Walsh, Being Coach. New York, USA

“The Simplified Model experience was more than I had hoped for. It was an amazing reminder to slow things down in life and in business because after all, they are so deeply connected. I loved meeting like-minded people from all over the world and having ample time in breakout rooms for in-depth discussions, seeing a variety of points of view. I would highly recommend this masterclass for anyone in the sustainable business space or someone looking to move into it shortly.”

Emily Padan, Founder of Hinter Company. Montreal, Canada

“The Simplified Model was a special experience and one I’ll treasure for a lifetime. It taught me the steps and processes needed to set up a sustainable business and the essential components to make it successful and truly ethical. Thanks to the interaction with other participants the course was engaging, interactive as well as informative. Taught me how to slow down and step away from the draining rhythms of our modern society. Truly a life changer.”

Gaia Rattazzi, Sustainability Activist. Florence, Italy

“Thinking about my experience, I would say that there I've learned to look at the fashion world from a different perspective. A perspective in which I felt completely empowered as a human being, rather than just as a gear of the fashion industry. What I learned is that to start changing the world, you have to change your attitude first. It may sound like something taken for granted, but not everyone really tells you that.”

- Sofia Busignani, Journalist. Milan, Italy

“The perfect space to confront yourself with inspiring people.”

Viviana Monolo, Yoga Teacher. Zurich, Switzerland

I took part in the very first edition of the Simplified Model Masterclass, and I’m honoured that I got to connect with so many people from such different backgrounds but with the same values and aspirations for what we envision the future to be like.

The SRM taught me that a different kind of future is possible. A slow-paced one, that gives back full circle to both the community and the environment.

If you’re interested in building a meaningful business, while also integrating these teachings in your daily life, I’d say this Masterclass is the place for you.

Dimitri Bonan, Marketing Manager. Copenhagen, Denmark.

I had the chance to be one of the participants of the first Simplified Model masterclass. I got to meet so many inspiring people that aspire for the same future as I have in mind! It was so great to connect with like-minded people and make connections that I could turn to later on. 

Being constantly under time pressure that my culture taught me, I got to learn about how I could personally slow down and that it is okay not to rush. On the business side, I learnt how to lead a slow brand, how to work with communities and how to give back. 

So, if you want to get into a community that thinks like you and you aspire for something new and better while doing good for yourself and the environment around you, SRM masterclass is really the place for you to start.

Sara Szigyarto, Business Owner. Copenhagen, Denmark.

This Masterclass is not only easy to follow and understand, the content is inspiring and the take home assignments are practical and motivating. I came away with a solid strategy that applies the model to make specific changes that simplify and optimise my business practices, to better serve the planet, the humans that we connect with ... and myself.

Charli Ferrand, Sustainability Podcaster. Exeter, UK.

“I really enjoyed The Simplified Model Elite MasterClass. Even after many years in advertising and fashion business I learned new ways of connecting and collaborating. I feel that this retail model is more fresh and better suited to today's market and consumer values. The Masterclass was very well structured and narrated.”

Kamilah Sanders, Leadership & Marketing Strategist. Nashville, USA

I highly recommend The Simplified Model program to anyone with an interest in building a purpose based business or really just for anyone wanting to make a difference in the world. It was a great opportunity to connect with likeminded people, learn so much about building sustainable business and to look at world problems from a unique lens!

Tyla Lockwood, Sustainable Travel. Sydney, Australia

The Simplified Model will impact the way I live and do business in the long run. Farah has shared inspiring angle on how to think about the act of being and the act of doing. I highly recommend this masterclass to business owners that want to exit a rushed mindset.

Kim Gerlach, Scent Artist. Berlin, Germany

The Simplified Model Elite MasterClass was an amazing experience because it gave me the opportunity to meet people who share my values that I would never have met otherwise. It's great to see how confrontation always has a positive impact. And it was interesting to learn how to create a slow, sustainable and mindful lifestyle in deep connection with who we are. 

Domiziana Montello, Environmentalist. Milan, Italy

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