Wise leaders understand the value in a mindset partner. A co-pilot in navigating business decisions, and in utilising shared wisdom that explores the space of infinite possibilities. The outcome: a slower pace, radiant wellbeing, differentiation, & a greater legacy.

1-on-1 Mindset Partner

Designed for CEOs, Executive Leaders & Entrepreneurs open to play with just how powerful the mindset can be and aren’t afraid to experience it firsthand. We’ll co-create liberating states of wellbeing, generate lasting success, dive into profound mindset techniques and bridge intuition with modern leadership.

Leaders often find themselves torn between professional success and personal wellbeing, leading to stress, burnout, and depleted energy. An ineffective state for growth & evolution.

Luckily the direction is not singular, there is a different way to live and succeed. By priming our mindsets and learning the skills that bring time & energy into all areas of our life, we rediscover our true nature & how legacy success is really built.

My approach takes two decades of playing business on a global playground across North America, Europe, Scandinavia, Middle East and Asia Pacific. Working with startups, scale-ups and multinational corporations has made visible to me what are the essential components of success in business models and how leadership mindset plays an essential role.

A unique expertise that merges commercial success with personal wellbeing - one that bridges the gap in professional skillset and builds mental resilience to navigate your ambitious goals through an elevated state of wellbeing.


6-12 Months
Agreement: €5,000 per month

  • 15-40 Minute Sessions (3-6x per month)

  • 45-60 minute Focus Sessions (On demand/quarterly)

  • Direct Communication Access

  • Strategic Advisory Option*

Here : Now
Agreement: €8,000

  • 2 sessions

    • One 90-minute session

    • One 60-minute follow-up session

  • Gain clarity around your mindset and the skills to self-regulate

  • Shift to a mindset that serves you, transforming limitations into opportunities

  • Experience the first step in creating the life you imagine for yourself and reseting your health and wellbeing in parallel

*Strategic Advisory Option offers leaders a supplementary investment for executive-level consulting to navigate complex decisions and drive business growth, this option gives you access to actionable insights and strategic expertise on your terms.

Tailored solutions for senior leadership tiers: Executive Leaders, C-suite executives, Investors, and accomplished management teams, including boards and chairs. For inquiries, please contact me.

“A session I look forward to and always leaves me feeling energised. Prioritising mindset isn’t a luxury—it’s a business strategy. When leaders thrive, so does growth, innovation, and long-term success. Gifted with wisdom beyond her years, the experience is game-changing.”

〜 Ex-YPO China Chairman

“A valuable experience & offered an easy yet powerful practice which I will implement into my day to day. Thank you Farah for such an impactful experience.”

〜 Corporate Sustainability Director at Deloitte

Meet Farah

I love the experience of being with another person in the space of created trust, commitment, & vision. I am constantly amazed at what gets generated when two people sit together, speak, and listen from a space of safety and infinite possibilities. There is nothing quite like creation. I love what I do and I love whom I do it with.

It has been my great privilege to work with a wide variety of extraordinary human beings. I have worked with individuals across all ages. I’ve worked with CEOs of world-class companies as well as non-profits and start ups, entrepreneurs, millionaires, industry leaders, influencers, architects & creative & resourceful college students.

If you are interested in working together, please e-mail:


Serious and appropriate inquiries only.

Agreement Terms

If you are committed & have the courage to push through the innate challenges, this will undoubtedly stand as the most rewarding investment you undertake —& you will be in awe by the mindset you’ll develop & the liberty you’ll experience.

All compensation is non-refundable. If you choose to quit for any reason, all compensation will go directly to a non-profit of my choice.

Understand your mind to play in your mind.